For some the Union Jack is everything - national pride, history, queen-and-country, its armed forces...

For others, it’s colonialism, nationalism, fear of ‘outsiders’ - and frequently co-opted by the far right.

People from 183 countries have made London and the UK their home.

The colours of the flags of all the people in London make the London Flag.

So whether you were born in London or came here - your family came from Portugal, Nigeria or Bangladesh, your parents were from Poland, Hong Kong or the Caribbean, this flag incorporates the colours of the nation flags of all people coming to London. And it’s for anyone to decide what it represents: their street, neighbourhood, community, friendships, city or country. But wherever you, your relatives, or your friends came from, your or their flag is in there.

England, Wales, Scotland, India, Romania, Bangladesh, Poland, Italy, Ireland,  Pakistan, France, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Jamaica, South Africa, USA, Australia, China, Somalia, Portugal, Lithuania, Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey, Brazil, Kenya,  Germany, N Ireland, Philippines, Afghanistan, Uganda, Greece, Japan, Colombia,  Canada, Iran, Netherlands, Taiwan, Iraq, New Zealand, Cyprus, Sweden, Hungary,  Ukraine, Albania, Kosovo, Nepal, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Russia, Malaysia, Sudan, Congo(DR), Eritrea, Singapore, Syria, Latvia, Morocco, Vietnam, Ecuador, Sierra Leone, Israel, Algeria, Tanzania, Barbados, Egypt, Lebanon, Slovakia, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Czech Republic, Ethiopia,  Belgium, Finland, Moldova, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Zambia, Bolivia, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Guyana, Indonesia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, St Lucia, Chile, Congo,  Croatia, Dominica, Estonia, Grenada, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, Gambia,  Jordan, Libya, Malta, Peru, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mozambique, Rwanda, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Yemen, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Cameroon,   Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Montserrat, Namibia, Seychelles, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Bermuda, Brunei,  Gibraltar, Macedonia, Malawi, Mongolia, Panama, Qatar, Senegal, Tunisia, West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza.

Countries of birth (roughly in order of London’s population)
